How To Use Webflow For Blogging: 5 Steps To Get Started

May 16, 2022

Creating a blog shouldn’t be difficult. It shouldn’t entail a lengthy process of coding and designing. We’re here to tell you, blogging with Webflow is a piece of cake.

Creating a blog shouldn’t be difficult. It shouldn’t entail a lengthy process of coding and designing.

You shouldn’t have to be a star coder or a Photoshop maestro to put your thoughts and musings online. Yet, it still is!

Even on WordPress, only the simpler versions are easy to make, but the minute you want to add even a hint of customization, you are hit with a ton of technical jargon.

But now, we’ve come across an easy-to-use and easy-to-learn alternative for you. Webflow.

However, since it’s the new kid on the block and WordPress is pretty much the king of the CMS market, people are wary of trying out Webflow, even though Webflow websites in the US are on the rise.

We’re here to tell you, blogging with Webflow is a piece of cake.

And, it is proving to be quite beneficial for businesses to whom we have rendered this service!

And in this blog, we will be walking you through the whole process.

But let us start with a few reasons why you should consider Webflow your blogging buddy!

1. SEO friendly

Blogs take time to do well or make money. And the only process that makes sure your blog will ever see the big bucks is SEO or Search Engine Optimization.

SEO helps you climb the SERPs charts, and you can be visible to your readers at first glance.

So having a good knowledge of what to do and what not to do in SEO is essential.

And Webflow has two main features that directly contribute to getting your blogs in Google’s good books.

Clean code ensures your site is fast and efficient. It also ensures you can easily and quickly correct the issues in your website development.

Responsive web design leads to increased usability, decreased bounce rate, reduced duplicate content, and increased social sharing.

Apart from this, rather than assuming for itself, Webflow lets completely customize both your meta description and the alt tags for your images.

This way, you have total control of what keyword you want to come up for.

Overall, Webflow design makes sure that the only part of SEO left for you to complete is simply the keyword research!

2. Easy-to-use

Webflow is the perfect match for newbie bloggers! Because they hand you the visual design and content structure on a silver platter and all you need to do is make a few minor changes to get the final blog design.

Then, you get a plethora of tutorial videos to help you out. Watch them, learn from them, and try out the different steps explained on your own blog.

Greater levels of customization will sure take more effort and code, but you can always start off and then go on upgrading the blog design.

3. Intuitive CMS

Our favorite pointer. The Webflow CMS. You know how you edit in Google Docs and MS Word? Just select the text and edit it? It’s the same for Webflow.

Unlike WordPress, where the process of editing is long and lengthy with lots of clicks here and there, Webflow lets you write and edit in peace so that you can focus more on the content rather than the paraphernalia.

We know, WordPress is time-tested, but as a leading Seattle web design and development agency, we can vouch for the fact that Webflow will be equally useful for blogging, cheaper and more fun to experiment with. To get the final verdict, you can read our article on why we prefer Webflow over WordPress.

Now let’s get down to the real job.

How to start blogging using Webflow:

We’ll run you through the necessary steps, and if you choose to go ahead, Webflow will themselves recommend the tutorial videos to you!

Step 1

Go for the CMS tab on the homepage and look at the homepage designs displayed. If you’re not into designing, this is all you need initially, and you also get on-page editing privileges with this.

Check out all the blog templates available under the CMS filter and take your pick!

Step 2

Now that you’ve chosen your template, you should go ahead and make a few changes to it. Small ones. So that your labor of love does not seem totally generic. And the first thing to do is change the font.

Do away with their standard Montesarrat and style your writing with your preferred font.

Reach for the typography panel as outlined below and head over to the fonts there.

If you like a font you find there, go for it. Else, you can move over to the fonts tab and select any exotic font you like from Google’s massive collection.

Just one issue. Using a different font for each new blog won’t bode well for you. Readers love consistency in your blogs- not in the kind of content, but the font and design.

So your next job is to make sure the same font is used all over your site.

So after returning to the Designer page after selecting your font, you will find a panel on each side of the page.

Head to Navigator on the right and click on “Body.”

Move to Selector and choose “Body” and “All Pages”.

Choose the font in Typography. Done!

Step 3

Now for the styling. Again, the advice is to start from scratch and then build on your design skills because advanced Webflow design can be tricky.

And for styling, we will be using a crowd favorite technique of card interfaces- to create cards using box shadows.

Take your blog teasers, for example.

Select the whole area, including the image, metadata, title, and link. Then move over to the Style panel on the right hand of the page and select the box-shadow from the Effects column.

Wait, did we just show you how to customize completely code-free?

Yes, we did!

Step 4

Customize your content “Collections” to match your taste and writing. You’ll find the Collections tab on the left panel. There, you can simply scroll through the Categories section and click on whatever is most appropriate for your blog and then tap New. If you want to get rid of any, hit Delete.

Keep the title and the URL consistent to help your SEO efforts. If you get a broken URL message, don’t sweat over it.

You haven’t technically broken any URL if it is before publishing.

Step 5

Update the dummy content on your site, that is, all the “Loren Ipsum” content you find strewn all over your blog.

Those are there to give you a feel of what the final version of your blog should look like.

While you’re using the designer for styling, just update the content of the dummy text to whatever is relevant and appropriate for your blog.

Now move ahead and hit “Publish”- in the top right. And there you go!

Your blog is ready to be pushed out into the big, bad digital world.

As you move ahead in your blogging journey, you will be able to hone both your writing and design skills through your blog. Because believe it or not, all content creators finally end up learning a good deal of marketing and designing on the go!

And Webflow will majorly help you in this process because of the smooth learning curve. You are not hung out to dry in any case.

Everything is served, you only have to fill in the words.

And with experience- more design, more responsiveness and different content forms.

Webflow lets you take the slow and steady path from newbie creator to nuanced blogger in this way.

If you need any more questions answered on Webflow or Webflow development services, you just need to drop an email.

We are a top web development agency and have used Webflow to create interactive and intuitive websites for our clients.

But, we’re always available for a tete-a-tete on our new favorite CMS- Webflow.

So drop a call and let’s see how we can set you up for a successful blogging career!

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